The products we offer may come in different packaging, as they are manufactured with various packaging designs by the producer. However, the products remain absolutely identical. This means that you might receive one of the packaging variations.
Luthione 1200mg 10 Sessions Injection is a naturally
occurring antioxidant that plays a key role in important
physiological processes such as neutralizing free radicals,
detoxification and cellular breakdown of proteins. It was discovered
to have anti-pigment properties through multiple pathways. It
cleanses and flushes out toxins from your liver, bringing back
balance into every organ to function properly, thereby enhancing
your immunity, to make you healthy inside and glow outside.
Recommended Dosage:
- Intravenous IV Infusion (Drip) Once a week.
Not Suitable For:
- Breast feeder.
- Allergy to vitamin (any kind).
- Pregnant woman
- Patient with cardiovascular problem
* The result depends on individual metabolism